Advanced Math Requirements
At least one elective course (Approved Elective, Engineering Distribution, Materials Application Elective, or Outside Technical Elective) must meet the advanced mathematics or mathematical/computational modeling requirement.
Courses meeting this requirement will normally be at the 3000 level or above (with some 2000 level exceptions) and include a significant amount of advanced mathematics or mathematical/computational modeling beyond that required for MATH 2930 or 2940 (having 2930/2940 as prerequisites is common). The Requirement on Advanced Math/Computational Modeling has been set to push the horizons of students beyond the basic four math courses in the first two years. There is an enormous body of math beyond 2930 and 2940 including, for example, (i) statistics, (ii) complex variables, (iii) discrete math, (iv) number theory, (v) Fourier and related transforms spaces, (vi) Hilbert spaces, (vii) advanced programming languages, (viii) numerical analysis, (ix) finite element simulations and (x) simulation algorithms.
The updated list of courses as of Fall 2022 that satisfy the MSE Advanced Math/Computational Modeling requirement include:
- AEP 4210 "Mathematical Physics I"
- AEP 4380 "Entrepreneurial Strategy for Technology Ventures"
- BEE 4600 "Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling in Biological Engineering"
- BME 2000 (also ENGRD 2202) “Biomedical Transport Phenomena”
- BME 5400 "Biomedical Computation"
- BTRY 3080 (also ILRST 3080/STSCI 3080) "Probability Models and Interference"
- CEE 3040 "Uncertainty Analysis in Engineering"
- CEE 3710 "Structural Modeling and Behavior"
- CEE 4840 “Applied Modeling and Simulation for Renewable Energy Systems”
- CHEME 4800 "Chemical Processing of Electronic Materials"
- CS 2024 "C++ Programming"
- CS 2800 "Discrete Structures"
- CS 3110 "Data Structures and Functional Programming"
- CS 4220 "Numerical Analysis: Linear and Nonlinear Problems"
- CS 4780 "Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems"
- CS 4787 "Large Scale Machine Learning"
- ECE 3250 "Mathematics of Signal and System Analysis"
- ECE 4110 "Random Signals in Communications and Signal Processing"
- ENGRD 2110 (also CS 2110) "Object-Orientated Programming and Data Structures"
- ENGRD 2700 "Basic Engineering Probability and Statistics"
- ENGRD 3100 (also ECE 3100) "Introduction to Probability and Inference for Random Signals and Systems"
- ENGRD 3200 (also CEE 3200) "Engineering Computation"
- ENGRD 3220 (also CS 3220) "Introduction to Scientific Computation"
- MAE 3100 "Introduction to Applied Mathematics" (next offered 2021-2022)
- MAE 4700 "Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical and Aerospace Design"
- MAE 4730 "Intermediate Dynamics and Vibrations"
- MAE 5930 (also SYSEN 5300) "Systems Engineering and Six Sigma for the Design and Operation of Reliable Systems"
- MATH 4720 "Statistics"
- MSE 5720 "Computational Materials Science"
- MSE 5730 (also CHEME 5740) "Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences" (next offered 2021-2022)
- ORIE 3500 "Engineering Probability and Statistics II"
- ORIE 4580 "Simulation Modeling and Analysis"
- ORIE 5581 "Monte Carlo Simulation"
- PHYS 4480 “Computational Physics”
- PHYS 6553 "General Relativity I"
- STSCI 3080 "Probability Models and Inference"
- STSCI 3100 "Statistical Sampling"
- STSCI 4120 "Nonparametric Inference and Sequential Analysis"
The listed ENGRD courses above meet both the MSE Advanced Math requirement and the COE Common Curriculum requirement on ENGRD.
MSE Grade Requirements:
Affiliated students must continue to meet college requirements for good standing. In addition, to obtain an undergraduate degree in Materials Science and Engineering, students must meet the MSE conditions for academic good standing. Those conditions are as follows:
- Semester GPA >2.0
- Cumulative GPA > 2.3
- At most, one grade as low as C- in the MSE required courses, materials electives, materials applications electives, and the outside technical elective.