Awards and Honors
The excellence of our faculty in research and teaching has been recognized by numerous prestigious awards.
National Academy of Enegineering (NAE) Members:
- Kelin Kuhn
- Chris Ober
- Darrell Schlom
National Academy of Inventors:
- Uli Wiesner
American Physical Society (APS) Fellows:
- Judy Cha
- DJ Jena
- Chris Ober
- Darrell Schlom
- Bruce van Dover
- Grace Xing
National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER:
- Shef Baker
- Nicole Benedek
- Eve Donnelly
- Lara Estroff
- DJ Jena
- Rich Robinson
- Andrej Singer
- Chekesha Watson
- Grace Xing
- Julia Dshemuchadse
American Chemical Society (ACS) Fellows:
- Emmanuel Giannelis
- Chris Ober
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellows:
- Chris Ober
- Grace Xing
Materials Research Society (MRS) Fellows:
- Darrell Schlom
- Shef Baker
Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Fellows:
- Emmanuel Giannelis
- Uli Wiesner
SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics Senior Member:
- Chris Ober
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellows:
- Grace Xing
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Senior Member:
- Debdeep Jena
- Bruce van Dover
- Grace Xing
American Vacuum Society (AVS) Fellow:
- Darrell Schlom
Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE):
- Chekesha Watson
Sloan Research Fellowship:
- Jin Suntivich
Early Career Research Program (DOE):
- Jin Suntivich
Fulbright Scholar (2015):
- Rich Robinson
Non-tenured Faculty Award (3M) 2012:
- Rich Robinson
National Science Foundation Creativity Award:
- Uli Wiesner (2020, 2008)
- Chris Ober
2021 John A. Thornton Memorial Award and Lecture (AVS): Darrell Schlom
2021 James C. McGroody Prize for New Materials (APS): Darrell Schlom
2020 Intel Outstanding Researcher Awards: Grace Xing and Depdeep Jena
2019 International Organization for Crystal Growth Frank Prize: Darrell Schlom
2019 “Ambassadeur pour la Chimie Française” by the Institute of Chemistry, CNRS, France: Uli Wiesner
2016 Arthur K. Doolittle Award (ACS): Uli Wiesner
2014 Cooperative Research Award(ACS): Emmanuel Giannelis
2009 N. American Award for Technical Contributions to Semiconductor Industry: Mike Thompson
2008 MRS Medal: Darrell Schlom
2006 Award in Applied Polymer Science(ACS): Chris Ober
Humboldt Research Prize: Chris Ober (2007), Darrell Schlom (2018)
Gutenberg Research Prize (U of Mainz): Chris Ober
Junior Faculty Awards:
- Jin Suntivich:
- Emerging Investigator in Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2020)
- Young Innovator Award in Nano Energy, Nano Research, Tsinghua University (2019)
- Eve Donnelly:
- ASBMR Young Investigator Award
- Junior Faculty Osteoporosis Research Award
- New Investigator Recognition Award ORS